by Dr. David Walls-Kaufman
As a chiropractor, I am tremendously excited with this technological advancement regarding my esteemed profession. We now have a blood test to assess the individual’s level of health and disease risk. It might be the most extraordinary event I have seen in my lifetime.
I first learned of this test from Dr. Christopher Kent’s monthly audio series reviewing the health sciences. He reviewed the 2005 JVSR retrospective study on folks under chiropractic care. A blood test measuring DNA repair and oxidative stress demonstrated that chiropractic subjects achieved unique results in lifting people to an unusual level of health and lowered disease risk.
Turns out, world-renowned ecogeneticist, Dr. Ron Pero, studied everything under the sun to find out its affect on human health. He was neighbor to Dr. Joe Flesia, who told him about chiropractic. Pero ran tests on chiropractic subjects in the 1980s with the NA-AAF (N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminoflourene) method, the definitive test for human toxicity and health status. Pero was shocked when he found chiropractic put individuals in an unheard of category of wellbeing.
The levels for long term chiropractic patients were so high that, at the time, they were only thought to be theoretically attainable.
Not to get too technical, but Pero created another WBC test that directly measured PARP (DNA repair) activity and found that depressed values were evident in specific cases such as colorectal cancer and breast cancer. What has since come from this work in the intervening three decades is the knowledge that decreased DNA repair capacity is a key marker indicating risk for all nine major human disease categories.
This current Thiol test descended from the NA-AAF and direct ADPRT testing, but is much easier and cheaper to do, and tells us how healthy we are to within 95% certainty. It also indicates aging and lifespan status, presence of active disease, and has been validated as a prognostic indicator for HIV+ patients.
To all of us (like chiropractors) in the lifting-wellbeing-business, an objective measure of wellness is essential and non-duplicable. Let’s face it, a test that lays bare the scales of health and disease may indicate that many of the things we commonly turns to with the hope of raising our health quotient may prove to be of little value, or worse.
Results come back in three days, and then I sit down with the patient and give them the great news or the not so good news, in which case we discuss why their health is where it is and then the easy-to-do strategies to make a fairly quick and worthwhile difference.
I believe such a test, and others like NA-AAF, which clearly objectify health status, are absolutely critical to the emergence of chiropractic and CAM in our medical-choked culture. Bless medicine’s heart – thank God we’ve got it for life threatening situations. But close scrutiny appears to show that its panoply is invasive enough, and oxidizing enough, that it delivers more harm than good in the theater of well-being.
And this potentially sets up a considerable conflict of interest with the drug companies and medical device companies.
Back to the point: This incredible test measures our capacity for DNA repair and oxidative stress by measuring the total plasma Thiols that under-frame DNA repair by the fact that Thiol unlocks the DNA strand so that repair can happen. Our DNA is torn up every day by the oxidative stress of simple daily living. It is more torn up the more we do bad things for our health and the more we are exposed to stress.
Tattered DNA does a worse job cleaning up the micro-destruction of our tissues. It also makes less healthy daughter cells every time the cell splits to form two new cells. Over time, our cells are uglier and less healthy. Cumulatively, we age faster, our disease risk goes up.
All of this is reflected in our level of total plasma Thiols, and so we can quantify health and our future by measuring Thiols. The more total plasma Thiols we have, the better our DNA repair and the lower our oxidative stress. A test to measure PARP (DNA repair) activity directly preceded this assay and directly measured PARP. It corroborated the results of Thiol measurement.
For three decades, until now, we required a five-star university research lab to acquire this level of visibility and accuracy on our health status. The ability to bring this test into my own office has delivered the most dramatic improvement in patient education that I have ever seen. It appears to be more significant than B.J. bringing x-ray into chiropractic in 1913, because spinal degeneration pictures do not make the same intellectual leap for the public into wellness, disease risk and aging as does this test.
Long term chiropractic people consistently show DNA repair scores in the highest health category, consistently higher than normal, and in some cases significantly higher than normal. Those higher than normal levels mean a general disease risk of only 5% for all nine major classifications of disease, including cancer.
Patients are listening.
Management of a really sick person occurs by lowering stress, adding Thiol-proven anti-oxidants such as Phytorich’s AC-11, which can raise a score 10 or more points in six weeks, and raising chiropractic visit frequency to better clean their nervous system and strongly change their health value.
Yes, it’s scary for some to learn how sick they are – but odds are we can radically change that value in a surprisingly short period of time. In these Thiol, ADPRT and NA-AAF tests might lie the key to the unique power of chiropractic in its role as the Third Leg of the Holistic Stool.
Talking to the researchers who put all this together, I know how excited the leading ecogenetic researchers were about what changes long term chiropractic brought about in patients. The more people utilized chiropractic as a tool for cleaning up stress-induced nervous system junk, the higher they climbed into a category of lowered disease risk.
No glass ceiling was identified.
We all share the responsibility to make the world a better place. The connection between chiropractic, nervous system and Thiol, ADPRT and NA-AAF might provide enough facts over time to alter certain of our fact-proof cultural behaviors.
Next time, I’ll get into test results.
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