Monday, August 10, 2009

Why Do You Get Sick?

Yeah, so what causes sickness? A germ? A cancer cell?

One out of every 10 cells in your body is a germ. Why aren’t you sick all the time? Truth is, if you didn’t have those germs in you, you’d die within hours. You need germs. Your body when it’s healthy uses those germs like farm animals and keeps them in check.

And what about cancer cells? Did you know thousands of your cells each day become cancerous and yet your body kills them? Why does it start losing the cancer battle one day?

Chiropractic and medical research says that you get sick because problems start to happen in the way your nervous system takes care of germs, cancer cells, and everything else it does for you. Your nervous system is the only part of you that is really alive. You, and everything inside you, depend on your nervous system for life.

So, if you are not thriving—it is because of your nervous system.

Here’s how you get sick: Mental, physical or chemical stresses hit your nervous system like punches. Sometimes they knock your nervous system woozy. Once knocked woozy, you don’t feel it, but your nervous system doesn’t control your vital functions as well as it did yesterday.

Like a slowed-down computer, your nervous system starts making mistakes with your blood pressure or insulin or thyroid hormone level or stomach acid level. It could be any number of the million things it used to do, and is supposed to do, flawlessly.

That’s how it happens.

One of the errors is your posture. The chiropractor examines this, and your nervous system, to find out if your nervous system needs to be cleaned out, just like your computer. How’s yours doing?

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