Tuesday, May 1, 2012


By Dr. David Walls-Kaufman

The Thiol test has been out of commission for a while due to underfunding and "revolutionary idea being too cutting edge for the world to grasp"-itis. Common ailment in new enterprises. Now, it’s probably still underfunded, but the group behind it feels the test that is so definitive for scoring human disease risk and wellbeing MUST BE KEPT AVAILABLE until the public catches on.

The test is popular in my office! We have twelve people (including myself) slated today for our first round of blood draws. We found a very nice phlebotomist on Craigslist.com to come in for our patients’ convenience and draw and prep the blood here, and we’ll mail it to Dr. Art Banne at the lab this afternoon. Everyone has starved themselves this morning for a clear Thiol measure, and we’ll get our results in two to three days.

I have a nice spread of folks: One fellow has been under my regular monthly care for 22 years, and I’m interested to see his score. That’s over 800 months of chiropractic care, and the research shows that every month of chiropractic influence on the nervous system can be seen positively in a higher Thiol score. He’s in his mid-fifties and is in terrific shape, and I never see him sick—so we’ll see!

I have several new patients whose health and very low SRQOL (self reported quality of life), and long list of health conditions give me enough concern that I told them they should take the test. They want to get better. They want to work at it.

These individuals say a number quantifying their health risk, if low, will help focus the importance for positive change and motivate them.

I will continue to reach out to the chiropractic profession to make them aware of a) this fantastically powerful tool, and b) the power of chiropractic to consistently lift people into the highest health category, +120 n-moles.  And I will reach out to loved ones and friends as well.

1 comment:

  1. Chiropractic is a healthcare profession, and not a single treatment. Evidence about chiropractic generally refers to one or more of the treatments that chiropractors offer.
    Non-force Chiropractic
